Sunday, January 27, 2013

God and the Universe

Since this is my blog, I am going to totally let go and say what I feel and think about various topics and issues.  I will not be obscene as that is not my style.  I want to opine with intellect on things I feel a need to opine on.

The first subject I want to talk about is my thoughts on the existence of God and how believing in him really does not contradict scientific theory on the creation of our universe and life itself.

One thing that has fascinated me more and more as I have aged is shows on the Science and History channels about our universe and how it was created.  Basically it all started with huge clouds of hydrogen and nothing else.  These huge clouds of hydrogen started to come together in huge masses that we now called nebula's, and over millions of years, these hydrogen gases would condense down to tighter and tighter swirling masses that got hotter and hotter as they condensed.  This would continue until these masses were so dense and hot, 15 million degrees to be exact, nuclear fission would occur and a star is born.  Stars are the creators of the elements that make up our universe.  Every atom in everything that exists was created inside a star. For these elements to be dispersed so they could create other stars, planets and everything else physical in our universe, every star eventually dies.  The large ones explode as a super nova and the smaller ones like our sun just grow into giant red balls and die.  In both cases, the elements in the dead star are dispersed into space and this eventually lead to the creation of everything physical including life itself.

The complexity all of this is beyond our comprehension even today.  We start with the complexity of the atom and how we are still trying to figure out what really makes it up as each atom consists of tiny particles that we have only begun to even determine exist, little alone figure out how they work.  We go from this to gravity.  Without gravity, there never would have been any stars and without stars our universe would only be an empty gas cloud with nothing else existing.  Our science has not yet figured out what really causes gravity to exist.  From this we can go to life itself and how incredibly complex it is. How can anyone truly believe that all of this, including life itself, was created by happenstance!  That is simply ridiculous as it would be impossible!

I truly believe that an incredible intelligence was behind the creation of our universe and is still is in charge making sure everything is working properly!  The intelligence behind all of this is so far beyond our comprehension that no one could not even begin to guess what this intelligence really is like.  I truly believe this intelligence is what we call God.  There simply cannot be any other explanation in my mind.  With this being said, I do not see God as being as hands on as many people think.  I see him as more like the chairman of the board that just makes sure all the big parts are in place and working properly so all that we know can exist.  For example, take our earth.  Our earth is just a tiny tiny speck in the universe so God has a lot more to focus ion than just little ole us!  He obviously has to have a lot of help but comparing our earth to the rest of the universe is like comparing one grain of sand to all the sand on all of the beaches and in all of the deserts of our great planet.  

Next, many of our scientists today truly believe that our universe is multi-dimensional.  I too believe this and this explains what we call heaven.  Heaven is nothing more than another dimension that exists that our spirit moves too once we die. God obviously is in charge there like he is here.

I will end this first segment of my blog with a very profound last thought for all of you.  With all of this being said, I would like to say that thinking that the human race is the only intelligent life in our universe is an insult to God himself as we are just a tiny speck in overall big picture and he has created many many races as part of his domain.  I think the reason that the more advanced ones have avoided direct contact with us to this point is our race is not socially developed well enough to be ready for this.  The human race is a mess right now and we need to get to where we can live together in peace and harmony before we are ready to meet other alien races from other worlds. 

I need to add something to this as I know some of you will ask a question about Jesus.  I feel Jesus is God's son that was specifically sent to earth to help him deal with problems he was having with the human race.  As I said above, God needs lots of help and Jesus was and is one of those helpers.  I think God has a lot of other helpers like jesus out there that are helping him with issues specific to other races throughout our universe. 

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